GIPAC Website Inside>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.

Welcome to the first GIPAC website!
What does GIPAC stand for you wonder?
-It stands for Gopher Israel Public Affairs Committee.
GIPAC is involved in pro-Israel activism in Minnesota and on the University of Minnesota Twin Cities campus through political activism. The group is committed to securing a strong relationship between the United States and Israel and educating the next generation of politicians to be pro-Israel.
GIPAC strives to provide an educated, factual basis from which students can expand their knowledge and opinions.
Why support Israel?
-Israel is an island of democracy and freedom in a sea of totalitarian, repressive regimes, which have long regarded Israel with unbridled hostility and continue to seek its destruction. America's support for Israel is broad and bi-partisan for good reason. Support for Israel, the only Western democracy in the Middle East, and an ally on the front lines of America's war on terrorism, is as important for America as it is for Israel.
Do I have to be Jewish to be in GIPAC?
Of course not! GIPAC welcomes ALL students regardless of religious denomination or practice who are interested in promoting a strong, continued bond in US-Israel policy.
Current Goals:
Fall 2006: Continue to work on repealing the ban of the U of M Israel travel abroad program. We are making progress!!
After midterm elections-Engage the newly elected Minnesota Congressional Representatives
Important Recent News Headlines(Links)
Red Cross Ambulance Libel Exposed
Rice Says No Ceasefire With Armed Hezbollah
"Unbiased" Advice:
Israel Vows to Press Gaza Attack Until Soldier is Freed
-New York
Interested in joining GIPAC? Direct all questions or concerns to Dan Goodman. His email is